There’s No Such Thing As A Perfect Journey

That one friend who takes horrible photos of you! It took so many tries to get a good photo! It made me realize that the final product doesn't always describe the journey in between.

Recently, I was talking to a fellow nontraditional premed who felt disheartened by their journey. They said that they weren't sure if they were wasting their time. I resonated with that because there are no guarantees in this process and I once felt that as well. I am an advocate of rising up together and so I shared my journey and hurdles in order to encourage them and show them that it's still possible to get up again after you've fallen.

I have since learned that everyone's path is different and no one's road is the same. Just like it took me 10+ photos to get one good shot, it may take others a little or a lot of years to achieve their goals. The journey to medicine is not cookie cutter and I relish that because it brought along with it growth, passions, and experiences.

The important thing to remember is if you want to do it, you can. A year ago, I remember feeling stressed by my second application to medical school, my second MCAT, my jobs, and my finals. It was hard but I knew I could do it. And so can you!

To all the current and future med school applicants, you've got this!


My Birthday Weekend!