My Birthday Weekend!

A long over due post as my birthday was a few days short of a month ago. However, I am really trying to be better about documenting my life and celebrating myself so I have something to look back to. Any way, I really enjoyed my birthday weekend! I decided to step out of my comfort zone and take photos of myself this year. This is something I never really do but I found a nice dress, went to the local park and I am pretty happy with the results!


I took them the day before which was luck because it ended up raining that morning. That unfortunately also cancelled my hiking plans so it was nice to have photos to post on my birthday. In addition to photos, I went for a 90 minute massage! I love massages and I had been waiting weeks for my massage. I was so tense. It was the best massage ever!!

Lastly, I try to plan an activity for myself. I took a wheel throwing class where I was able to make my own work of art! I wanted to do something new and different from wine and paints. This was so exciting for me as I have wanted to do this since I saw the movie Ghost when I was like 6. You are taught how to mold the clay and are able to make as many pieces as you want. Your best two will be put in the kiln and finished. As it was my birthday, the owner allowed me to choose 3 pieces. I think they came out beautiful but I had help with 2 of them. It is harder than it looks.

I also met up with my friends from college. We had not all been together in years. We came to each others events but there was always a person missing. I am so glad we could have brunch together during my birthday weekend. These girls are literally my sisters and I love them to pieces.

Overall, it was a great weekend. I do not normally do much on my birthday but as I get older I realize that every moment is worth celebrating.


There’s No Such Thing As A Perfect Journey


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