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What Am I up to Now

When I was accepted into medical school last November it was like the second exhale I needed (the first was getting my 2nd MCAT score). This is such a long journey and I have spent years working on it. Don’t get me wrong, I have definitely enjoyed my experience and had the opportunity to learn, grow, and enjoy life. However, it is really nice to finally get to the end of the first of many races. Since then, I’ll be honest, my will to do anything at all has drastically diminished. I think I needed some time to relax. Now that I have done so, I am ready to get back to being productive with my time. I am still relaxing but I also want to spend time doing things I have always wanted to do but never had the chance. Here are a few things I am working on.

  1. Starting A Blog - My blog is something I have wanted to do for about 2 years. This is my second attempt at launching a blog. I never full had the chance to create the first one even though I purchased everything I needed. Starting a blog is harder than I expected. There is a huge learning curve and a lot of little details to keep in mind. Now that I have started it, I am working on maintaining it, improving it, and using it throughout my time in medical school. Starting this blog has taught me a lot and I hope it does the same for you.

  2. Starting. A Podcast - I cannot say much about this as it is in its very early stages. This is also something I have wanted to do for a while. I talked about it with another one of my friends and she is interested in collaborating with me. We are going to wait until we’ve completed most of our interviews to get working on it but I hope to have the first season out before I start medical school. The goal is to cater the podcast towards nontraditional pre-health students. I am sure there will be a lot to learn about podcasting. I am looking forward to keeping you all updated on the journey.

  3. Reading & Writing - These are my favorite hobbies and coping mechanisms. With studying for the MCAT, school, and work I have not had as much time put into these. Luckily, having a book section of my blog has allowed me to read more. In addition, audiobooks are a great way to get a lot of my reading done. I love to write as well and hope to be a NYT Best Seller one day. I have written multiple unfinished stories and I hope to complete one this year and send it off to publishers. I do not know how this process works either so it’ll be another huge learning curve.

I am really enjoying my time as I have learned that there is more to me than wanting to be a physician. I now have the opportunity to express and grow that before I start medical school. Hopefully, in time, I will be able to manage both. What are you currently up to? I’d love to hear how 2022 is going for you.

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