Corner of Stace

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2022 Goals

I love goals. It’s a great way to keep yourself on track with what’s happening in your life. I find that without goals, I may spend a few days or weeks just sleeping and watch really long movie series. In fact that’s how I spent most of December. I watched the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the Star Wars films back to back. It was definitely a lot of fun but I could also be doing more with my time.

What was difficult about making goals this year was the fact that I knew my life now will not be the same in 6 months because I’ll be preparing to start medical school. I typically categorize my goals into different topics so I can see what areas I need more improvement on. This year, I took an extra step and made quarterly & mid-year goals. This would allow me to build a better timeline of when I wanted to complete my goals (instead of the generic December deadline) and figure out what I wanted to do before medical school. In addition, on the 15th of each much, I schedule goal check-ins to see how I am doing. This may seem like a lot, but I understand that my time is limited at this point and I want to make sure I am accomplishing the things that matter to me. Below are a few (not all) of my categories and goals I am trying to accomplish this year.


-Pass all my medical school classes

-Launch a Podcast

Health & Fitness

-workout 3x a week

-Meal prep every Saturday


-Get to level 5 on DuoLingo in French

-Save $______ in emergency savings

-Finish writing 1 book

-Start my blog


-Read my Bible daily for about 60% of the year

-Attend church (in-person or virtual) for 80% of the year

I hope listing these things will provide me with some accountability. I’ll definitely try to do a mid and and of year post to keep you all in the loop. If you need an accountability parter, please let me know what some of your goals are.

See this content in the original post